Space Security Scoping Workshop

Event at University of Liverpool Campus in London, London, UK

As part of the FAIR-SPACE project a workshop was held with members of academia and industry to identify cyber-security issue with robotic systems deployed in space and to scope out which of these issues were of high priority. Dr. Marie Farell and myself led the discussion with the attendees after introductory talks from Prof. Michael Fisher and Prof. Carsten Maple.

A variety of interesting issues were highlighted including:

  • managing legacy code and updating software of satellies
  • managing changing security standards, such as more computationally expensive cryptographic requirements
  • the lifetime of satellies before deorbiting means that dormant satellites could potentially be revived and used for malicious purposes
  • the impact of dual-use technology
  • satellite swarms and new ways of deploying technology in space leading to a larger attack surface
  • new entrants to the space industry being less aware of procedures compared to established organisations

A report of the issued highlighted during the workshop is available here and a news article written for the FAIR-SPACE project is available here.

Workshop Venue